Alexandra J. Wuisan is the former singer of Sieve & Cherry Bombshell. She's also the author of 'Nadi Amura', a medieval-fantasy novel.

ALEXANDRA J. WUISAN: “I once read Kerouac and it's not my cup of tea.”

[interview.aldy kusumah / pics.age / June 2012]


What is your thoughts on femme fatale? They are a bunch of ladies who works behind the scenes actually. Their aim is to get what's needed to be done, Rather than being out there.


Okay, gimana tuh ceritanya dari vokalis-lyricist handal sekarang jadi penulis? Hahaha... I won't tell myself that though: Lyricist handal. Vokalis, tentunya awalnya seneng mendoodle kata, cuman kalo kata jadinya nanti kalo dibaca mirip deklamasi. No you don't wanna see that hahah. Sound is more interesting if combined with words, and Mr. Unkle D membuka jalur itu buat saya.... Diperkenalkanlah saya dengan Ragajoz gergajoz,  Ajo yang udah bukan Ajo lagi (masih di Puppen saat itu). Lalu Ebi, and Pecunk and the whole gang of Dago 347.


Jadi penulis gimana ceritanya tuh? Are you a full-time story teller? I got stuck and stagnant for years. It's frustrating.. All I can do is rant and daydreaming, unprofitable.. Apa ya namanya.. Pokoknya, There's two person who hit me hard in the head, one is an ex whose more or less telling me how a loser I am: "I don't need your useless poems, do something with your life!".
Ouch. Then how that *EUREKA!* moment finally hits you and tells you to write 439 page of something like Nadi Amura?
Ah, that got to do with my friend Tita Larasati, pembuat komik cukup aktif dan menurut saya sangat talented... She told me in a multiply comment, why don't you just write a book, she made 2 awesome illustration from my rant on manusia keledai (asal muasal Maliyos Murron) and 2 pseudo Adam-Eve And I start from there....


Kayanya Nadi Amura banyak pengaruh dari folklore ama fairytales ya? Are you really into that kind of stuff?Yes, and I started late... Kira-kira baru tingkat 2 doyan baca buku mengenai hal-hal itu... Before that just album cerita ternama, Tintin, Asterix, and Nina... hahaha


Favourite writers?
Not much. I once read Kerouac and it's not my cup of tea, but I respect him. Kafka lebih masuk, tapi ga sememikat baca Neil Gaiman, folklores and myths... Especially Greek Mythology. I can relate to Edgar Poe though. Tolkien & fantasy writers alike... Zecharia Sitchin, Giambatista Basille... I love bohemian stuff tapi bukan berupa tulisan.... Hahahah... Give you a hint: Terrence McKenna.


Okay, di Nadi Amura, lo nyiptainmahluk-mahluk  fictional yang berbeda dari tradisi RPG umum: kaya ogre, orcs, elves, etc. Gimana sih konsepsi dari penciptaan karakter-karakter tersebut?
Sebenarnya saya mengadaptasi makhluk-makhluk kepercayaan yang sudah ada di Indonesia lalu mengemas ulang tanpa merusak karakteristik dasar mereka. Mostly they are Javanese supernatural beings, they're mostly forgotten. Orang cuman inget Pocong, Kuntilanak, Pocong vs Kuntilanak dan si manis jembatan anchooollllll. If your grandma or granpapa are into kejawen and they have special books like primbon, pasti makhluk-makhluk itu ada semua di dalamnya. We have elves there though. only in a different name. They have thousands of names. I picture them as graceful as Wayang, but it's not what Indonesian Wayang supposed to be. Sebuah pengibaratan dalam persepsi lain. We have small gnomes as bajang and dwarfs (sometimes with wings) as jembalang. Karena saat tugas akhir, kebetulan research mengenai makhluk supernatural dari beberapa daerah di seluruh dunia, I found similarities....


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